MARIIS – All-Weather monitoring of hydrogeological risk for road and rail infrastructure

Client: POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020
Period: April 2018 - October 2019
Location: Lazio Region
Technologies: Research & Development Activities

In the framework of the Call “KETS enabling technologies” – POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020 promoted by the Lazio Region, NHAZCA has been funded for the development of the Project MARIIS – All-Weather monitoring of hydrogeological risk for road and rail infrastructure.

Promoter: NHAZCA S.r.l.
Partner: CRISEL S.r.l.
Research Entities: Roma Tre University, Italian Institute of Technology

The MARIIS project aims to develop, both in laboratory and in the field, a prototype of an automated millimeter wave image acquisition system (innovative compared to Radar technology), to be used on stretches of railway or road exposed to hydrogeological risk (landslides, flooding). The aim is to detect the presence of any obstacles, guaranteeing safety thanks to an active H24 alarm signal, in any weather and natural lighting conditions (“all-weather”) and which does not modify or interact with nature, human activities and human health. It is a highly innovative solution for the management and control of natural hazards and major works, which has the dual advantage of high image quality and insensitivity to weather conditions.

The project has been proposed by a temporary group, led by NHAZCA, Spin-off of the Sapienza University of Rome in the field of Remote Sensing, in partnership with CRISEL, leader in the design and supply of technological equipment for applications in advanced sectors, with the Engineering Department of Roma Tre University, scientific partner of the project, and with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), an important national research centre with the aim of promoting excellence in basic and applied research and fostering the development of the national economic system.