
Field of application

Performance Testing of Optical Flow Time Series Analyses Based on a Fast, High-Alpine Landslide

Hermle D., Gaeta M., Krautblatter M., Mazzanti P., Keuschnig M. (Remote Sensing – MDPI, 2022)

Integration of satellite-based A-DInSAR and geological modeling supporting the prevention from anthropogenic sinkholes: a case study in the urban area of Rome

Esposito C., Belcecchi N. , Bozzano F., Brunetti A., Marmoni G.M., Mazzanti P. (Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk – Taylor & Francis Online, 2021)

Tracking Deformation Processes at the Legnica Glogow Copper District (Poland) by Satellite InSAR—II: Z˙ elaznyMost Tailings Dam

Mazzanti, P., Antonielli, B., Sciortino, A., Scancella, S., Bozzano, F. (Land – MDPI, 2021)

Tracking Deformation Processes at the Legnica Glogow Copper District (Poland) by Satellite InSAR—I: Room and Pillar Mine District

Antonielli B., Sciortino A., Scancella S., Bozzano F., Mazzanti P. (Land – MDPI, 2021)

Short-term geomorphological evolution of the Poggio Baldi landslide upper scarp via 3D change detection

Mazzanti P., Caporossi P., Brunetti A., Mohammadi F.I., Bozzano F. (Landslides, 2021)

Fold architecture predisposing deep-seated gravitational slope deformations within a flysch sequence in the Northern Apennines (Italy)

Esposito C., Di Luzio E., Baleani M., Troiani F., Della Seta M., Bozzano F., Mazzanti P. (Geomorphology – Elsevier, 2021)