
Nuovo Company Profile: Innovazione e Impegno per un Futuro Sicuro

Siamo lieti di annunciare il lancio del nostro nuovo Company Profile, un documento che mette in evidenza l’impegno della nostra azienda nello sviluppo di tecnologie innovative per fornire servizi avanzati ai nostri clienti.


NHAZCA Takes Center Stage at International Events in June and July

NHAZCA is set to be in the spotlight at a series of international events in June and July, showcasing its innovative monitoring solutions and sharing knowledge with industry experts.


Successful Conclusion of the 9th ICGSM: A Heartfelt Thank You to All Participants and Sponsors

As the curtains close on the 9th International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring (ICGSM) held May 2-6, 2023, we extend our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to its success.


MUSAR – Data Fusion & Smart Automatic Classification of Satellite Multisensor/Multiband SAR and Optical Data

Conclusion of the MUSAR project carried out by NHAZCA in collaboration with the CERI – Research Centre of the Sapienza University of Rome


NHAZCA’s monitoring activities continue in the Municipality of Civitacampomarano

Since January 2022, NHAZCA has been conducting structural lesion monitoring activities on buildings in the Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB)


NHAZCA at the Earth Technology Expo 2022

From Wednesday, 5 October to Saturday, 8 October, the second edition of the Italian ‘Earth Technology Expo’ will take place in Florence, and this year NHAZCA will also participate in the event in collaboration with CERI