NHAZCA Unveils Next Venture: NARCISSUS – Satellite-based Hydrogeological Risk Monitoring through Spectral Soil Moisture Measurement!

NHAZCA is thrilled to announce its latest endeavor: NARCISSUS – an innovative project aimed at revolutionizing hydrogeological risk monitoring through satellite-based spectral soil moisture measurement!

In collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), NARCISSUS is a project co-financed by the Lazio Region for Competitive Industrial Repositioning. It aims to provide a more accurate hydrogeological risk monitoring tool than current methods, leveraging state-of-the-art satellite technologies and spectral soil moisture measurement techniques.

Areas abundant in water are more prone to risks such as liquefaction and landslides. Therefore, precise knowledge of soil moisture is crucial for assessing and preventing hydrogeological risks, a key area of interest for NHAZCA.

With NARCISSUS, we are acquiring expertise in hyperspectral data acquisition, manipulation, fusion with other satellite data, and in-situ validation of soil moisture maps. This project combines elements of Industrial Research and Experimental Development, delving into technical-scientific themes with applications aimed at building a tool for soil moisture analysis, automatically updated with new information.

Through the use of hyperspectral data and Artificial Intelligence, we will develop a new and innovative monitoring system aimed at safeguarding the territory, community, and resources.

Stay tuned for updates on NARCISSUS.